How Simple Design Adjustments Reduced Return Issues by 50%

Tanmoy Khanra
3 min readJan 19, 2024


In the ever-evolving world of online shopping, a significant challenge faced by many apparel and fashion stores is the soaring return rates, often stemming from issues related to the mobile web experience. This case study explores the journey of one of Yemen’s largest apparel stores as they tackled this problem head-on, and how innovative app development led to a substantial 50% reduction in return rates.

The store’s customer base primarily accessed their offerings through mobile devices, but the mobile web interface was proving insufficient for showcasing product details and facilitating easy product filtering. Many customers were receiving incorrect sizes, leading to a substantial surge in return rates.

The Mobile App Solution:

Recognising the need for a better user experience, the store initially attempted to address the issue with a web based mobile app. However, even popular app builders for platforms fell short in resolving the underlying problem. Frustrated but undeterred, the store sought assistance from external developers and found their way to our platform.

Notably, they developed their website using Shopify.

Personal Touch — Building an App Just for You:

We understood that one-size-fits-all solutions wouldn’t cut it. So, we took on the challenge of making an app that was just right for this clothing store. No more generic fixes — our personalized approach tackled the issues causing high return rates head-on.

Smart Moves for a Smoother Experience:

  • Pick Your Size First — Easy and Smart:
  • When you open a collection, the app asks for your size right away.
  • Result? A fantastic 35% drop in returns! Now customers start making the right choices from the get-go.
  • See It Clearly — No More Guessing:
  • Choose a color, and watch the images change instantly. Product titles tell you exactly what you’re getting.
  • The outcome? A cool 10–12% fewer returns. Because when customers see what they’re getting, they love it.
  • Talk Their Language — Multi-Language Magic:
  • We added support for multiple languages, a rare treat in the clothing world.
  • Tip: Keep it pure — don’t mix English and Arabic. The result? A 5% drop in returns, proving that clear language means happy customers.
Here’s a straightforward snapshot of the mentioned UX improvements

The Big Finish — Decide to Transform Your Store:

In the fast world of online stores, the key is a smart approach. This success story from a Yemeni clothing store proves that small changes can mean big results. If you’re a clothing, apparel, or jewelry store owner, ponder on this — our case study might just be the guide you need to elevate your app’s success. Don’t wait; transform your store now!

Get ready to discover immediately what issues your store has and take an exciting journey to boost its success, adding millions to your store!

Feel free to ping me on Linkedin or Twitter, or share any questions you may have.



Tanmoy Khanra

🧑‍💻I don't simply develop apps, I solve problems and transform them into assets 😉. Now Building @LinkLoom_